KMS Gives Golfs for Ronald McDonald House of Atlanta



On Monday, May 9th, KMS Gives team members participated in the 22nd Annual Atlanta Ronald McDonald House Charities Golf Classic at Golf Club of Georgia. Each year, RMHC hosts the Golf Classic to raise money for their mission of providing a “home away from home” for families of sick and injured children in the Atlanta area.

Since 1979, the houses have been called “home” by more than 46,000 families with children receiving medical care in the Atlanta area. The Ronald McDonald Houses are built on the simple idea that nothing else should matter when a family is focused on the health of their child – not where they can afford to stay, where they will get their next meal, or where they will lay their head at night to rest. The House reduces stress and financial burden, but also provides peace of mind to be close by their child.

KMS has frequently participated in the Golf Classic as a sponsor and this year sent three team members as part of our KMS Gives Pledge 1% Program. Pledge 1% is a corporate philanthropy movement where businesses pledge 1% of product, 1% of equity, and 1% of employee time to improve communities around the world. KMS Gives is honored to be a sponsor of Atlanta Ronald McDonald House Charities where $180,000 was raised to provide services to families.

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